
Yoga is a holistic discipline rooted in ancient Indian spirituality. It promotes general well-being through the delicate harmony of mind, body, and spirit.



Originating in ancient India during the Vedic period, yogic practices and traditions are around 5000 years old. Historical evidence points to pre-Vedic origins with mentions of Yoga Sadhana in the Vedas, Upanishads, Smritis, Puranas, the ancient Hindu Epics as well as the teachings of Buddhism and Jainism. Yoga began to gain popularity in the United States, and the Western World in general, by Indian monks such as the much-revered Swami Vivekananda,  American philosophers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson as well as by numerous Indian immigrants.


A multi-billion-dollar industry in the US today, yoga, as practiced in the United States, focuses on three key aspects, namely, physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation (dhyana). Research indicates a significant improvement in physical, mental, and general wellness among yoga practitioners. A combination of myriad yoga practices and techniques unlock a plethora of therapeutic benefits for practitioners across all age groups, improving conditions such as anxiety & depression, diabetes, chronic pain, and even cancer.

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How Yoga Rejuvenates the

Mind & Body?

Yoga works by regulating the body’s central nervous system. Though there are different kinds of yoga styles, modern yoga revolves primarily around hatha and Bikram yoga, two physical and mental branches that focus on priming the body and mind. Modern yoga focuses on physical exercises, strength conditioning, agility improvement, and focused breathing. Together, these activities boost one’s physical and mental well-being.


A study by researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine reveals a profound influence of yogic postures and breathing techniques on the largest cranial nerve in the human body, the vagus nerve. This nerve controls critical involuntary functions of the body such as breathing, heart rate, digestion, and the like. Yoga increases the vagal tone and thereby, the nerve’s ability to respond to different kinds of stress, physical and mental. Researchers hypothesize that physical and cardiovascular activities involved in yogic practices cause vagal stimulation & healing and consequentially, improvement of any ailment.

There exists a variety of yoga styles, ranging from simple practices to physically demanding, multifaceted techniques. Some of the most prominent ones practiced in the United States are:

What happens during a visit to

a Yoga Trainer?

A typical visit to a professional yoga practitioner in the United States depends primarily on the type of practice you wish to engage in. In almost all cases, you will need to fill out a health questionnaire, especially if it’s your first time. Trainers will ask about your health history, fitness level, and health goals. They will then explain the structure of the session, the style/s of yoga to be practiced, and core principles like focus & breathing.


Sessions begin with a warm-up, which consists of gentle stretches & relaxed breathing to calm the body & mind. The main yoga session depends on the specific category or style and includes asanas/postures, pranayama/breathing control, dynamic posture flows in coordination with breathing, and restorative poses & stretches. Instructors may provide certain verbal instructions or physical adjustments to realign and perfect postures & processes. Meditation sessions may be incorporated either at the beginning or near the end. Most yoga sessions conclude with the Shavasana/corpse pose, where one lies down and integrates the benefits of the entire session.

Which Ailments Respond Best To

Yogic Practices?

Yoga offers a plethora of physical and mental benefits for people of all ages. Whether you are going through some ailment, recovering from a surgery or injury, or suffering from a chronic condition, yoga can hasten healing and be an integral aspect of the recuperating process.

How is Yoga Regulated?

Yoga is not regulated in any capacity in the United States. The United States Department of Health and Human Services, the central regulatory body for medicine & healthcare, does not regulate yoga clinics and trainers. Trainers and practitioners do not need any kind of certification or license before they start practicing.  


THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. All the information published on these pages is for informational purposes only. It is NOT intended to act as a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis and should not be relied on as healthcare or personal advice. Please consult with a licensed physician or a qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding your health or any medical condition. Never disregard the guidance of a medical professional or delay seeking medical help for something that you have read on this website. If you are facing a medical emergency, call a doctor, visit the nearest healthcare facility, or call emergency services urgently.

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