
Homeopathy or homeopathic medicine is an alternative medical system that aims to rejuvenate the body’s self-healing mechanisms.



Developed in Germany in the late 18th century, Homeopathy is guided on two quite unconventional principles –’like cures like’ and ‘law of minimum dose’. The first guiding principle of ‘like cure like’ is based on the notion that a disease can be cured by substances that produce similar symptoms while the second one purports that lower dose of medication have greater effectiveness.


According to homeopathy, when a substance in large doses produces specific symptoms, individuals experiencing similar symptoms due to a particular disease can be cured with small, diluted doses of that same substance. Historically, the effectiveness of homeopathy has always been identified through ‘provings’ and experiments. A wide variety of herbs, plants, minerals, and even animal venom act as foundations of homeopathic remedies which are administered to healthy volunteers to observe symptoms & gauge dosage. Doses are diluted repeatedly and ‘succussed’ or shaken vigorously between every dilution, and the overall process is called ‘potentization.’

Other Remedies






How does

Homeopathy work?

Homeopathic remedies follow drastically different diagnostic and therapeutic processes. Medications are personalized or tailored to the symptoms of every individual. It is common for different patients with similar symptoms to receive notably different medications. Every person is subject to a different diagnostic system and diagnosis involves identifying clinical patterns of symptoms that are starkly different from conventional medical procedures.

Homeopaths dilute a mother tincture using either alcohol or water on either the decimal scale [x] (1 part of 10) or the centesimal scale [c] (1 part of 100). If necessary, the resultant solutions are further diluted twice, thrice, or further. Such serial dilution, followed by succussion, is repeated multiple times to attain a desired potency. The overall process is known as potentization and is believed to enhance the overall effectiveness of the medication.

As stated, homeopathic therapies aim to activate the human body’s own healing system to combat symptoms and their root causes. The guiding principle has always been ‘like cures like’ with homeopaths believing in mental and emotional components of physical affliction. A typical diagnosis will investigate not just physical symptoms but also a patient’s current mental & emotional state as well as their overall constitution. Doses vary as per diagnosis and remedial actions. Doctors recommend taking regular doses for no more than 2 to 3 days and in some cases, daily dosing for a prolonged period.


What happens during a visit to

the Homeopath?

A typical visit to a homeopathic clinic can take anything between 1 to 2.5 hours. As doctors investigate several factors other than the symptoms, they will interview and examine a patient at length. Expect queries on behavioral aspects of the symptoms, personality traits, etc., alongside questions about physical symptoms. Physicians can also perform physical examinations and recommend laboratory tests if necessary.

Which Ailments Respond

Well to Homeopathy?

There’s little scientific evidence to support the efficacy of homeopathy in treating any specific health condition. Homeopathic medicines marketed in the USA are not reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration for safety and their effectiveness in curing, preventing, or mitigating any conditions or afflictions.

How is Homeopathy Regulated?

There is a significant lack of reliable scientific evidence of the effectiveness of homeopathy in treating any health condition. Clinical trials show homeopathy to be no better than any placebo intervention. Homeopathic drugs do not undergo any rigorous testing and review as dictated by the FDA and can be bought without a doctor’s prescription.


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